Scoliosis FAQ

What is scoliosis? Will it continue to progress? How should I sleep? Look at our scoliosis FAQ for all your questions.

The Icky Scoliosis Sisters

Boo! It’s that time of year, and “boo” can mean a scare, or “boo” can be a response to something unpleasant – like the Icky Scoliosis Sisters. Booooo! On the

Menopause & Scoliosis

Impact of Menopause on Scoliosis It’s well-known that scoliosis is often monitored during adolescent growth spurts. However, fewer people are aware that menopause can also significantly increase one’s chances of

Scoliosis Awareness Month Live Events 2023

Scolio-Pilates Instagram Live Events   June is Scoliosis Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness and educate about scoliosis. It’s time to use your words, pictures, professional skills, and even

Embody your Inner Scolio-Mover!

Make the commitment today to embody your new you and be a Scolio-Mover and Doer, not a sitter and pain-er. How do you embody your resolution?