Scoliosis FAQ
What is scoliosis? Will it continue to progress? How should I sleep? Look at our scoliosis FAQ for all your questions.
What is scoliosis? Will it continue to progress? How should I sleep? Look at our scoliosis FAQ for all your questions.
Learn how Scolio-Pilates was welcomed to be part of the scoliosis treatment plan at Dayton Children's.
Pilates Style Magazine asked Karena to write an article about Scolio-Pilates. Check it out!
Coming soon!
Boo! It’s that time of year, and “boo” can mean a scare, or “boo” can be a response to something unpleasant – like the Icky Scoliosis Sisters. Booooo! On the
Impact of Menopause on Scoliosis It’s well-known that scoliosis is often monitored during adolescent growth spurts. However, fewer people are aware that menopause can also significantly increase one’s chances of
Scolio-Pilates Instagram Live Events June is Scoliosis Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness and educate about scoliosis. It’s time to use your words, pictures, professional skills, and even
Make the commitment today to embody your new you and be a Scolio-Mover and Doer, not a sitter and pain-er. How do you embody your resolution?