Scolio-Pilates® Scoliosis Exercise Training For Movement Professionals
Scoliosis-specific exercises are as challenging as they are rewarding. Each time you evaluate a scoliosis spine, it will be a new and unique experience—particular to the person in front of you. Each spine will challenge your skills of assessment and exercise decisions. Not only will you be rewarded for the time you put into your education, but those living with scoliosis will also be grateful for your dedication to their needs.
With Scolio-Pilates’s professional education, you’ll understand all spines better. The apparent asymmetries in scoliosis can be found in many spines, making your knowledge of asymmetrical assessment and exercise application useful to every client. Once you can evaluate and work with scoliosis, all spines become your specialty because what happens in a scoliosis spine happens in all spines—just on a smaller scale.
Module 1, Anatomy of Scoliosis and Introduction to Scolio-Pilates Exercise

This course is a building block and lays the foundation for the Scolio-Pilates® Module 2: The Professional Seminar. You will receive a strong base in the anatomy of scoliosis to help you understand what is happening under the skin that creates the changes we see and experience with scoliosis on the surface and with movement. With this understanding, you will be better equipped to make the best scoliosis-specific exercise choices.
Topics to be covered include:
- What is scoliosis? Who it affects and its effects on the systems of the body
- Experience scoliosis! What it feels like to do Pilates with scoliosis
- Anatomy of Scoliosis
- Understanding functional v structural scoliosis
- Defining the convexities and concavities
- Theories and laws of movement that apply to scoliosis
- The first 7 exercises for scoliosis
Module 1 = 8 CEC’s
Module 2: Scolio-Pilates Professional Seminar: Assessment and Three-Dimensional Exercise for Scoliosis

We will dive deeper into understanding the anatomy of scoliosis and use that understanding to define the curves of scoliosis (3, 4, and thoracolumbar curves). Once we define the curves, we can begin to understand how to correct those curves toward neutral. We use scoliosis-specific corrections and scoliosis-specific exercises to aid us in bringing our clients toward a more balanced system.
The scoliosis-specific exercises begin with corrections in prone, supine, side-lying, seated, and standing positions. Once we apply the corrections in the basic positions, we add movement to these corrections either on the mat or with the assistance of the Pilates equipment. Learn why Scolio-Pilates®, a form of Pilates that allows for modifications to assist the client with scoliosis in the Pilates studio, is now used by children’s hospitals, physical therapy clinics, and Pilates studios worldwide to help manage scoliosis.
Module 2 = 16 CEC’s
Module 3: Scolio-Pilates Case Study & Mentorship

The Scolio-Pilates case study is an in-depth project to let us know what you have learned about Scolio-Pilates thus far and where your questions still exist. Then, the Scolio-Pilates Mentorship is 4 days, 24 hours, of Scolio-Pilates in-depth instruction. Together, we will take these next steps:
- Review the positioning and wedging techniques from Module 2 while adding to your understanding with more details about how we can encourage the scoliosis spine towards a more neutral patterning.
- Understand the breathing techniques that can be applied to your scoliosis clients as they are either resting or active to open up the space of the lungs to encourage healthy pulmonary function.
- Take a deeper look at how scoliosis impacts the connective tissue and how the connective tissue impacts the scoliosis, making these two systems work together instead of in opposition.
Module 3 = 24 CEC’s
What our practitioners are saying
From Client to Practitioner
“Fused at the age of 12, I lived knowing I always had this nagging pain, nothing too debilitating but a pain nevertheless. At 40, suddenly, my pain was no longer manageable, and this is when I discovered Scolio-Pilates. As a client, I learned a system that would take my pain away. But it wasn’t enough; I wanted to help others the way I was helped. That is how I started a new journey to become a Scolio-Pilates practitioner.Ultimately, my scoliosis shaped me into who I am today, and Scolio-Pilates allows me to be the person I always wanted to be!”

Can anyone be a Scolio-Pilates Practitioner?
While anyone is welcome to participate in Modules 1 and 2, the Scolio-Pilates Mentorship is exclusively for professionals in the field of movement and exercise. We accept Pilates instructors, physical therapists, kinesiologists, yoga instructors, massage therapists, personal trainers, and more. If you are not a movement professional, you can become one! Research what it takes to become a professional Pilates instructor or other profession. If you are an exercise/movement professional and your profession is not listed here, please ask us about joining the Mentorship. Email us.
What Are The Benefits To Being An Authorized Scolio-Pilates Practitioner?
- Web presence: You’ll be listed on the Scolio-Pilates website as an Authorized Practitioner so clients can find you in our interactive map.
- Social Media Presence: Our ever-growing social media presence has been a great tool to highlight the work of our practitioners and share their success
- New Clientele: Many practitioners have converted their business to primarily helping those with scoliosis.
- Invited: We will invite you to quarterly meetings for Scolio-Pilates practitioners, where we discuss and learn among ourselves and guest professionals.
- Assist: Attend Scolio-Pilates Modules 1 and 2 free of charge and assist the Principal Educator where needed. You’ll also receive continuing education credits for participating in this course again.