The San San – Bandung, Indonesia

Location: Bandung, Indonesia

See Translation to Bahasa Indonesia below the English text.

The is a Pilates teacher at Firmpoint Pilates Studio, located in Bandung, Indonesia, where she has been working as the Head Teacher as well as business owner since 2007. Many of the clients she handles, together with her team of teachers and physiotherapists, are rehabilitative clients.

Her interest in scoliosis begun when many scoliosis clients appeared in the studio. She realized that Pilates could help clients with scoliosis, and two books impacted her to support this desire: Scoliopilates by Karena Thek, and Three Dimensional Treatment for Scoliosis by Christa Lehnert Schroth. She is grateful that she had an opportunity to learn face to face with Karena Thek in her “ScolioPilates” workshop in 2015;  this workshop was the perfect combination of understanding Pilates from a three-dimensional treatment of the spine. Since this workshop, there has been a surge of knowledge on how to help scoliosis clients. She continued enjoying her mentorship with Karena until she was authorized as a ScolioPilates Practitioner. Another opportunity to obtain specified certification was at Schroth Best Practice, in 2016. The most recent certification was also an application of the Schroth method, achieving the Schroth ISST scoliosis rehabilitation therapist certification in Germany.

As the sole Polestar Pilates Asia educator in Indonesia, she is currently requested on a regular basis to introduce Pilates to the Health Polytechnic Physiotherapy Department SURAKARTA INDONESIA.


Pada tahun  2015 dia mulai belajar dari Karena Thek dengan Scoliopilates-nya sampai meraih sertifikasi Scoliopilates. Ilmu ini memberikan pengertian ideal bagaimana menggabungkan Pilates dengan treatment 3 dimensi dari metoda Schroth. Dari guru lain dia juga juga menerima sertifikasi Schroth Best Practice di tahun 2016.

Pada bulan Juli 2018 Sansan bersyukur berkesempatan mendalami pendidikan cara penanganan skoliosis dengan metoda konservatif di German, yang merupakan akar dari banyak metoda Schroth di dunia. Dia berhasil lulus serangkaian ujian dan meraih sertifikasi Schroth Scoliosis Rehabilitation ISST Therapist sebagai yang pertama dan satu-satunya di Indonesia.

Sebagai Edukator Polestar Pilates Asia, Sansan diminta untuk memberikan perkenalan dan kuliah umum tentang Pilates secara berkala di Jurusan Fisioterapi Politeknik Kesehatan Kementrian Kesehatan Surakarta Indonesia.

Di waktu luang dia menikmati belajar santai Energy Medicine sambil ditemani secangkir dua cangkir kopi, senang masak dan meluangkan waktu bersama 3 anak-anaknya.

The San San – Bandung, Indonesia