ScolioPilates Book Testimonials

Your book, Scolio Pilates, has been a huge help for me in working with a client that has a 65% thoracic curve. Thank You!

Cindy K

As a physical therapist who uses the Pilates method in the treatment of scoliosis and other spinal disorders, I must commend you on your book Scolio Pilates. It’s well organized, concise, and most importantly it helps me wrap my brain around this 3 dimensional condition that is often a lesson in mental gymnastics.

Thomas L

Thank you so much! I really love what you are doing with Scoliosis. As a physical therapist, this information is so valuable to me and my patients! You were also able to take (in my opinion) a complicated condition and make it understandable. I am very interested in your 4 curve scoliosis study with patterns of inhibition and facilitation, and then the fascial planes as well. Really appreciate all that you do!

Mary R ScolioPilates Book

K2 with prone elongation with Scolio Wedge

Thanks so much for your problem solving designs and your innovative teaching!  The books, videos, workshops, and equipment have really helped so many clients in my practice already.

Gerolyn W Virginia

Thank you. Your book has been very helpful. I hope I will get the opportunity to do one of your training sessions.

Jeanne S

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ScolioPilates Book Testimonials