Pelvic Wedge Testimonials

I do love your products. They are really helping my quality of life! Thank you so much!

Jill D Florida

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Karena, You are inspiring and clearly an innovator. Thanks for your contribution to our industry, you are making a difference!!

Risa M Vancouver

Pilates Pillows for Scolio-Pilates and More! with Karena Thek

Thanks Karena! I’m so excited to get everything. Thanks for what you have done and helping make the industry a little bit better!!!

Dawn C Arizona

Pelvic Precision Wedge in Vinyl with Karena Thek

I am a Pilates teacher and I am so grateful for your pelvic wedge!!  I can’t wait to teach classes with these. I have been manipulating slo-mo balls, mats and cushions to get just the right fit that you have designed.  I am so thankful for you!!!  So wonderful!  Has really worked well for everyone.  My athletes who are really tight I have the biggest challenge getting them to release all that tension.

Dawn C Arizona

K2 with prone elongation with Scolio Wedge

Thanks so much for your problem solving designs and your innovative teaching!  The books, videos, workshops, and equipment have really helped so many clients in my practice already.

Gerolyn W Virginia

Pelvic Precision Wedge in Vinyl with Karena Thek

I have used the pelvic wedge with several of my clients and it is a hit! The wedge provided immediate relief of low back pain and stability so my clients could continue to exercise.

Suzanne K Virginia

Pelvic Precision Wedge in Vinyl with Karena Thek

Thank-you– The ones [pelvic precision wedges] I got at the workshop in Vegas have been a HUGE hit. I can’t believe what a little wedge has done to help my clients with lumbar/sacral issues… much better than folding towels.

Jeanine Y Nevada

Pelvic Precision Wedge in Vinyl with Karena Thek

I love it!!! [the Pelvic Precision Wedge]

Cathy B Texas

Pelvic Precision Wedge in Vinyl with Karena Thek

Very Cool!  So many clients are coming to me from [Instructors} wanting them to “TUCK” I hate that word… But, I think this is a perfect solution!

Judy F Pennsylvania

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