Join Our 8-Week Research Study on Scolio-Pilates® and Scoliosis!

Scolio-Pilates exercises for scoliosis

Scolio-Pilates® Study for Scoliosis

We are thrilled to invite you to participate in an 8-week scoliosis-specific exercise program designed to explore the benefits of Scolio-Pilates® for individuals with scoliosis.

Scolio-Pilates® is a three-dimensional, scoliosis-focused exercise program that empowers you to take control of your scoliosis. This program is simple, accessible, and can be practiced from the comfort of your home or in a professional setting. With over 25,000 success stories, Scolio-Pilates has already made a difference in the lives of people managing scoliosis, and we are excited to continue expanding its reach through this study.

For more details about Scolio-Pilates®, visit our website and Instagram page.

Program Details and Participant Requirements:

Before signing up for our Scolio-Pilates® study for scoliosis, please carefully review the guidelines below to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria and understand the commitment involved in this 8-week program.

We look forward to you joining us on this journey toward improved scoliosis management!

Eligibility Requirements to Participate to this Reasearch Study

1. Diagnosis: You must have a confirmed diagnosis of scoliosis.

2. You have NEVER done Scolio-Pilates before

3. X-Ray Requirement:

Submit a recent scoliosis x-ray that clearly shows your spinal curvature.

If you’re unsure whether your x-ray is acceptable, contact us for clarification.

4. You are committed to performing an 8-week exercise program for scoliosis.

5. You are over 18 years of age.

Program Expectations

1. Duration: The program lasts 8 weeks.

2. Daily Exercise Commitment: Complete a guided video exercise session (20-25 minutes) at least 5 days per

week. Videos are tailored to your needs and focus on scoliosis management.

3. Survey Participation: Complete a survey 3 times during the program:

      • Week 0 (Before starting)
      • Week 4 (Midway point)
      • Week 8 (Conclusion)

These surveys are essential for collecting data and evaluating the program’s impact.


Have guided step-by-step routines from an evidence-based program that will help you understand and take control of your scoliosis.

Participants who successfully complete the program and submit all required surveys will receive 1 month free access to Scolio-Pilates On Demand – a video library of over 150 scoliosis-specific exercise classes.

Your Commitment

  • Dedicate approximately 20-25 minutes daily to the exercise program, with a minimum of 5 sessions per week.
  • Complete and submit the required surveys on time.

Application Process for Scolio-Pilates Study for Scoliosis

      1. Submit your application with an acceptable x-ray. (see above)
      2. If selected, you will receive an email with access to the guided video sessions and survey links.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if I miss a few days of exercise?

A: While the program allows flexibility, consistency is key. We encourage at least 5 sessions weekly for optimal results. More than one session a day is permissible, but only count one session a day for your 5-days a week requirement.

Q: Can I join if I don’t have an x-ray?

A: Unfortunately, no. A clear x-ray is essential for this study to assess your scoliosis type and progression.

Q: Will I receive personalized feedback?

A: By submitting your x-ray, you will receive notes and annotations describing the location of your convexities and concavities and where to place your wedges when exercising. You will use this personalized information to make the best choices as you progress through the program. You can always ask questions via our online forum.

Q: Do I need any equipment for the program?

A: The equipment you will need are Scolio-Wedges (or washclothes) exercise band and a partially deflated ball.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: The program is free in exchange for your filling out the study surveys three times: once before you begin exercising, once at the four-week mark, and once at the program completion.

Q: When does it start?

A: Our first cohort started in February 2025, the new cohort is TBD

Q: I am busy during that time, but I want to participate. What can I do?

A: We will have 3 different study groups, please email us at and we will happily add you to the next study group!

Q: Are there any peer-reviewed medical research proving the effectiveness of this treatment?


  • This was reported to Journal of Spine, August 2024.
  • Another three studies are on their way with Stanford University, These results will be shared April 2025 at SOSORT.
  • An additional study is underway with Taipei University. These results will be shared in 2025. Not sure of the date/location yet.

Q: What does the program promise to achieve?

A: This study is about a self-reported global rate of change. Therefore we will be using the SRS-22 (Scoliosis Research Society 22-point questionnaire) to ask participants about the change they have experienced.  The SRS-22 focuses on pain and function as reported by the person with scoliosis.

Q: Is Scolio-Pilates similar to Schroth?

A: Yes! The method includes many techniques, past and present, relying on the science that has come before and continues to change what we know about scoliosis. Here are some of the shoulders we stand upon:

  • Oligev, who came before Katharina Schroth and whose techniques Katharina Schroth demonstrates in her 3-dimensional work with scoliosis.
  • Schroth: Katharina and her daughter, Christa, compiled a very thorough book on the techniques to help those with scoliosis. Using the work of Oligev and expanding on that work greatly helped the patient become more involved in her own care.
  • Pilates and Yoga: Elongation and Breathing techniques. And the idea of holism — that the entire body, from toes to head, must be taken into account to make corrections.
  • NeuroOrthopedic Institute’s pain science. The research work performed by David Butler and Lorimer Mosely, Australia
  • Bradcliff Breathing method, Dinah Bradley and Tanya Cliffton, New Zealand.
  • Leon Chaitow, his compilation of the latest knowledge on connective tissue, United Kingdom,
  • A lot of science and research goes into the technique, and we’d be happy to discuss more!

Q: How is Scolio-Pilates different?

A: Here’s what we feel and what patients have told us.

  • What we feel: It is holistic: head to toe. We don’t just focus on the spine. It’s about the feet, the ankles, the hands, the shoulders, the neck, the eyes, etc. If you want to create a change in the spine, we must change what supports the spine and what the spine supports.
  • Feedback from patients: It’s easy to follow, understand, and achieve
  • Feedback from patients: The pain reduction is significant. See research and Journal of Spine.
  • We are working towards studies and funding that show Cobb angle reduction, however, at this point Cobb angle reduction can only be listed as anecdotal since we do not have a peer-reviewed journal report on this.
Join Our 8-Week Research Study on Scolio-Pilates® and Scoliosis!